FastForward has been discontinued. Please consider using one of our recommended alternatives.
FastForward does not collect any personally identifiable information on its users. The only information collected is what is described below, in the Auto updating and Crowd Bypass sections.
As FastForward does not collect any personally identifiable information on its users, no personally identifiable information is shared with any third parties.
This section does not apply to Firefox.
In order to provide up-to-date bypasses, FastForward sends a request to Github every hour, and if a new commit is found, it will download the latest "injection script."
For this, Github's privacy policy applies.
When Crowd Bypass (Options > "Give and take the destinations of unbypassable shorteners.") is enabled, occasionally the extension will send requests to our server.
We store a hashed version of your IP address along with the destination to prevent spam. We may record your user-agent and other headers to analyse errors on our server. Access to this database is restricted to only those developers and administrators who require it for the purpose of maintenance. We never share this data with anyone else. We use Cloudflare to protect and improve the performance of our server. Their privacy policy applies to you as an "End User."